冲突与革命Conflict and Resolution, 2E

出版时间:1997-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Barbara A. Nagle-Lechman 著  页数:201  


with thoughtful, current perspectives on such issues as race, gender, and cultural expectations as they arise, the author explores such key topics as:    · the nature and sources of conflict, and ways of resolving it;    · negotiation -- theories, approaches, and practical techniques;    · mediation - models, skills, and practicing neutrality;    · the arbitrator's role in resolving disputes;    · other adjudicative and nonadjudicative processes;    · policy issues, such as institutionalizing and regulating ADR;    · ...and all the crucial trends in this growing area of today's legal practice!    Giving readers the opportunity to apply theory to real-life situations and test newly-learned skills, the author includes role plays and skill development exercises, as well as detailed discussions of ethical issues and practical applications in various spheres where disputes commonly arise--from families and schools to construction projects and the environment.


DefaceAcknowledgments1 Introduction  Introductory Notes  Conflict's Impact and the Necessity of Understanding Conflict    Conflict Is Pervasive    Reaction to Conflict    Sources of Conflict  Overview of Conflict Resolution Processes    Negotiation    Mediation    Arbitration    Other Processes    The Court System  Exercises2 Conflict  Introduction  What Is Conflict and How Is It Perceived?  Sources of Conflict    Miscommunication    Differences    Anger, Mistrust, and Fear    Responsibility    Expectations and Roles    Resources    Difficult People  Summary  Exercises3 Negotiation  Introduction  Negotiation Theories    Competitive Approach    Cooperative Approach      Distributive vs. Integrative Bargaining      Linking Issues      Flexibility      Examples    One-Text Approach    Theory Summary  Preparation for Negotiation    Factual Preparation    Role-Playing    Other Determinations    Time, Place, and Parties    Flexibility  Essential Steps in the Process    Preliminary Negotiations  ……4 Mediation5 Arbitration6 Other Forms of Dispute Resolution7 Policy,Ethical,and Practice IssuesAppendicesBibliographyIndex



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