The Kids' Book of Kaleidoscopes (平装)

出版时间:1994年01月  出版社:Workman Publishing Company  作者:Carolyn Bennett  


Making an adventure out of science-much like The Bones Book & Skeleton-the kids- book of kaleidoscopes turns ordinary kids into masterful kaleidoscope builders.Conceived and written by Carolyn Bennett, kaleidoscope designer and authority, with Jack Romig, this illustrated full-color activity book explains the principles of light refraction and reflection, color bending and bouncing. The kit comes complete with custom components, including three high-quality plastic safety mirrors, tube and turning end, a plastic eyepiece and tube cover, colored gels, and a starter set of plastic beads, gems, chips, and other objects to put on view. It s the basis for everything kids need to make 14 scope projects and do mini-activities such as Topsy-Turvy TV, Hall of Mirrors, and Breaking Out the Colors. Selection of the Children s Book-of-the-Month Club.Suitable for ages 8 and up. 144,000 copies in print.



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