高血压奥秘Hypertension Secrets

出版时间:2001-10  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Hricik, Donald E. (EDT)/ Wright, Jackson T., M.D. (EDT)/ Hricik, Donald E./ Smith, Michael C. (EDT)  页数:153  


All the very latest clinical information on hypertension is covered in this practical addition to the popular Secrets Series®. Coverage includes Patient Assessment, Essential Hypertension, Secondary Hypertension, and Special Cases of Hypertension and focuses extensively on all current drugs and therapies.    Concise answers that include the author's pearls, tips, memory aids, and "secrets"  Bulleted lists, algorithms, and illustrations for quick review  Chapters written by experts their fields  All the most important "need-to-know" questions and answers in the proven format of the highly acclaimed Secrets Series®  Thorough, highly detailed index  All the latest anti-hypertensive drugs are covered


Ⅰ. PATIENT ASSESSMENT 1. Measurement of Blood Pressure 2. Clinical Evaluation of Hypertension 3. Artifactual Hypertension and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring 4. Hypertensive CrisesⅡ. ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION 5. Epidemiology of Hypertension 6. Pathophysiology of Essential (Primary) Hypertension 7. Natural History of HypertensionⅢ. SECONDARY HYPERTENSION 8. Renal Parenchymal Hypertension 9. Renovascular Hypertension 10. Hyperaldosteronism 11. Pheochromocytoma 12. Cushing's Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 13. Other Forms of Secondary HypertensionⅣ. SPECIAL CASES OF HYPERTENSION 14. Childhood Hypertension   15. Hypertension in Pregnancy 16. Hypertension After Renal Transplantation 17. Hypertension in End-stage Renal Disease 18. Resistant Hypertension 19. Hypertension in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus 20. Isolated Systolic Hypertension and Hypertension in the ElderlyⅤ. THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLES   21. Non-drug Therapy   22. Treatment of Hypertensive Crises   23. Diuretics   24. β-Blockers   25. or-Blockers   26. Calcium Channel Blockers   27. Peripheral Adrenergic Inhibitors, Centrally Acting Sympatholytics, and Vasodilators   28. Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Ⅱ Receptor Blockers   29. Application of Therapeutic Principles   30. INDEX



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