肿瘤药物回顾Cancer Medicine Review

出版时间:2003-9  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Donald W., M.D. Kufe 著  页数:178  


  Based on the material from the mewly revised parent text,Holland-frei Cancer Medicing-6,this question-and-ansewr book provides a solid learning foundation and is an unmatched review source for the American oard of internal Medicine Examination in Oncology and the in-service Exanination in Surgical Oncology.Approximately 600 questions are featured with answers referenced to journal articles and other oncology books。  Key features of the include:   thematic grouping of questions allowing the reader to devote energies to only those specific areas of concern or difficulty and    a multiple choice style consistet with the approach of the American Board of internal Medicine Examination Oncology and the in-service Examination in Surgical Oncology。


PrefaceContributorsCardinal Manifestations and Informatics Questions  AnswersScientific Foundations'  Questions  AnswersCancer Siagnosis  Questions  AnswersTherapeutic Modalities  Questions  AnswersMultidisciplinary Management  Questions  AnswersCancer Management  Questions  AnswersPesiatric Oncology  Questions  AnswersComplications   Questions  Answers



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