来源批判学(source criticism)认为太 5:3 //路 6:20 源于 Q, 原始的语录应更接近路加福音, 没有 τῷ πνεύματι ‘灵’(与格)的说法. (Luke = Q {A} ()8, 见 Q 文献彙註 Q 6:20-21: the Beatitudes for the poor, hungry, and mourning, ed. Thomas Hieke, (Peeters, 2001), pp. 78—140.) 一般认为, τῷ πνεύματι 系马太所增, 尽管在希伯来文里有对应的说法.
诸家註者皆同意, 此处 πτωχοί 并不仅指物质上的‘贫困’, 而马太所加的 τῷ πνεύματι 则更强调贫困者精神状态、宗教信仰的方面. 而且这里的‘贫困’带有正面积极的意义, 即穷人在精神上、‘灵里’的匮乏、绝望和对神的“依靠”、“渴求”. (见 Luz, Matthäus, ET Matthew 1-7, Hermeneia; Davies & Allison, Commentary on Matthew, ICC; Betz, Sermon on the Mount, Hermeneia; France, The Gospel of Matthew, NICNT; Hagner, Matthew 1-13, WBC; Gundry, Matthew, A Commentary on His Literary and Theological Art; Craig Keener, A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew 等.)
最近在书店里逛,才了解到西方现代也有很多翻译圣经的,并不因为有钦定本就止步,而且也并非在钦定本的基础上从头再来。希伯来语也好,希腊语也好,亚美尼亚语也好,我都不懂,只能看看英译本的。关于哥林多前书的那段翻译,我抄一段: Love suffers long and love is kind. Love has No jealousy and cannot boast and has No pride. Love isn't crude and doesn't seek Things for itself, is not provoked to anger, Nor counts up wrongs. Not gloating in misdeeds, Its happiness is truth. Love bears all things, Believes all things; it hopes and it endures. Love never falls. Yet prophecies will cease And tongues turn dumb and knowledge also vanish. We know only in part, we prophesy Only in part, yet when perfection comes, Then what is but a part will disappear. From ' The Restored New Testament' Translated by Willis Barnstone
别的不说,和合本翻译的是爱永不止息,冯翻译的是爱永不会坠落。没看过原文,不敢轻易评判,也不敢轻易说什么鸡汤。 但看那个英译本,用的是fall,明显是坠落的意思,不是止息的意思吧。 再查KJB, Charity never faileth:but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail,;whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whther there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.估计钦定本是根据对应的关系faileth 翻译成止息吧,但fail 应该也有失败的意思吧?