Mothers and Children 母子摄影集

出版时间:2009-3  出版社:National Geographic  作者:National Geographic Society (U. S.)  页数:112  


Often, words cannot adequately explain the sincere emotions that make up a relationship. But a single photograph can speak volumes. The baby strapped to her mother's bosom as she works the fields. The mom watching her child on a playground. The woman in church, trying not to notice that her child has fallen asleep. These moving images have been captured in black-and-white and in color. No matter how--or where--each was created, the amazing bond between the mother and her child is evident. In "Mothers and Children, " world-famous contributors Annie Griffiths Belt, Sam Abell, Jodi Cobb, Joel Sartore, and more reveal the whimsical and poignant emotions of the maternal relationship, caught on camera in 100 beautiful photographs from around the world. Destined to be a perennial gift book, "Mothers and Children, " celebrates the fascinating array of expressions for the universal themes of work, play, and home life of families. An introduction from mother and writer Lynne Perri will set the stage for the visual journey through the hearts and homes of mothers everywhere. Lyrical essays follow, co-written by Craig Wilson, about work, play, and life at home.


introductionthe notrhat home the southat workthe eastat playthe west



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