出版时间:2006-12 出版社:Perseus Distribution Services 作者:Not Available (NA) 页数:174
Knowing how to produce effective written communications—proposals, executive summaries, important emails—is more crucial than ever for today’s managers. In Written Communications That Inform and Influence, readers will find powerful tools for crafting communications that get results. Experts provide suggestions for structuring your written pieces, striking the right tone and style, and avoiding all-too-common grammar goofs and gaffes. The Results-Driven Manager series collects timely articles from Harvard Management Update and Harvard Management Communication Letter to help senior to middle managers sharpen their skills, increase their effectiveness, and gain a competitive edge. Presented in a concise, accessible format to save managers valuable time, these books offer authoritative insights and techniques for improving job performance and achieving immediate results.
Introduction Writing Persuasive Proposals First, Don't Write an Outline Making Your Proposal Come Out on Top .. Building a Bridge over the River Boredom When to Ignore Your ReadersSpotlight on Structure A Winning Proposition Writing Well When Time Is Tight The Best Memo You'll Ever WriteStriking the Right Tone ank Style Find the Right Tone for Your Business Writing Communication as a Change Tool Rhyme and Reason:What Poetry Has to Say to Business Writers Ayn Rand on Writing When One Style Does Not Fit AllSurmounting Special Writing Challenges Don't Push That Send Button!……Avoiding Crammatical Goofs and GaffesAbout the Contributors