One Piece v. 16海贼王16

出版时间:2007-11  出版社:VIZ Media LLC  作者:Eiichiro Oda,Beth Kawasaki  


Avalanche! Luffy and Sanji surf a tree down a mountain on a fast-moving wave of snow and just avoid being buried alive. But then the demented King Wapol suddenly appears and orders Luffy and Sanji's deaths. With no time to lose, Luffy evades their attacks, when out of the blue an unlikely friend comes to his rescue! A friend who was just trying to kill him only hours before!


Eiichiro Oda debuted in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1997 as a comic creator and artist with ONE PIECE. Oda is one of the most popular comic artists in Japan today, started out by earning the Hop Step Award (a monthly award given by Jump for amateur artists) as


Luffy and Sanji surf a tree down a mountain on a fast-moving wave of snow and just avoid being buried alive. Then the demented King Wapol suddenly appears and orders Luffy and Sanji's deaths. Luffy evades their attacks, when out of the blue an unlikely friend comes to his rescue.




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