
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:Kaplan  作者:Renie McClay  页数:322  


“This is a wonderful resource guide for any sales person interested in Sales Training。  Even veteran trainers could benefit from using this book!” —Maria Edelson,  Director, Sales Capability Development, North America, Procter &Gamble。  “The content is comprehensive and provides many real life examples from experienced sources, not just one person’s view。”—Matt Gross, President, Sales, RR Donnelley  “An excellent and comprehensive guide to sales training。  Both sales executives and trainers will find this book provides the information necessary to design and improve their company’s sales training program。"—Kevin P。 Hart, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, WNA, Inc。  “Most sales executives believe that developing training should be easy; find a trendy sales program, secure some budget, roll it out and watch the revenues increase。  Unfortunately, efforts like these underwhelm the sales force and are forgotten in a week。  Sales Training Solutions describes how successful companies define training needs, gain sponsorship and measure results of dynamic programs that are remembered for years。”—James A。 Rocha, Manager, WW Sales Force Development, Cisco Systems  “Sales Training Solutions offers a compendium of tips and techniques for sales training practitioners and consultants alike。  There’s something for everyone involved in designing, developing and implementing sales training solutions in today’s fast-paced world。  I’ve never seen this array of information available on these topics in one place before!   I highly recommend it to anyone in the sales training profession。”—Stephen J。 Bistritz, Ed.D, President, Professional Society for Sales and Marketing Training。  “I found that Sales Training Solutions had all the essential components to enable a corporation to provide appropriate sales training to their target populations in a timely manner。 If the guidelines prescribed are followed you will be able to provide the right (sales) training to the right (sales) people at the right time。”—William G。 Skea, Manager, Learning Strategy & Solutions for sales skills development, Xerox Corporation  “Retaining key customer-facing employees and equipping them with the tools to succeed in today’s complex, global business environment is paramount to being both competitive and profitable。 Through a diverse collection of mini-cases, Sales Training Solutions provides a practical roadmap for firms that take seriously the challenge of developing human capital。”—Lisa Napolitano, President & CEO, Strategic Account Management Association


Preface  iX1.What Do Salespeople Want?   BECKY STEWART-GROSS,President,Building Bridges2.Getting Leadership Support    JIM GRAHAM-VP of Training and Development,RR Donnelley3.Sales Managers as Key Stakeholders    DON STERKEL,former Senior Director of Learning and   Development,Time Warner4.Building a Business Case for Sales Training   BOB RICKERT,Regional Sales Manager,Aarthun Performance Group5.Creating a Stellar Customer-Centric Sales Force    SUSANNE CONRAD,Director of Organizational Effectiveness and   Development,Dechert—Hampe&Company6.Building a Training Program   MICHAEL ROCKELMANN,Driving Results,formerly of United Airlines7.Making an Outsourcing Decision    MICHAEL ROCKELMANN,Driving Results,formerly of United Airlines8.Making Sales Training Fun,Interactive, and Educational   RENIE MCCLAY,Sales Training Utopia,former Sales Training Manager   of Kraft Foods9.Creating Effectiv4 Product Training    DIANE M.BOEWE,Director,Drake Resource Group10.Tech Talk--Teaching Technology to Sales Professionals      LUANN IRWIN,LAI Associates,former Manager of Training of Kodak11.Developing Strategies for Sales Training Technology Selection     WILLIAM MAGAGNA,Senior Instructional Designer,Dade Behring12.Measuring the Impact of Sales Training  GARY SUMMY,Global Director of Performance Development,Sales,  and Marketing,MotorolaNotes  Contributors Index Preface  iX




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