
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Greenberg, Arthur (EDT)/ Cheung, Alfred K. (EDT)  页数:608  


This official publication of the National Kidney Foundation provides clinicians with a current overview of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of kidney disease, fluid and electrolyte disorders, hypertension, dialysis and kidney transplantation. Written by international experts there are well illustrated chapters which cover the field of nephrology.  SciTech Book News, September 2005


ContributorsForewordPrefaceSECTION 1 Structure and Function of the Kidneys and Their Clinlcal Assessment CHAPTER 1 Overview of Kidney Function and Structure   Josephine R Briggs, Wilhelm Kriz, and Jurgen B. Schnermann CHAPTER 2 Clinical Evaluation of Kidney Function   Chi-yuan Hsu CHAPTER 3 Urinalysis   Arthur Greenberg CHAPTER 4 Hematuria and Proteinuria   Richard J. Glassock CHAPTER 5 Kidney Imaging Techniques   Timothy J. Higgins, Howard J. Mindell, and Jonathan 1. FairbankSECTION 2 Acid-Base,Fluid,and Electrolyte Disorders CHAPTER 6 Hyponatremia and Hypo-osmolar Disorders   Joseph G. Verbalis CHAPTER 7 Hypernatremia   Paul M. Palevsky CHAPTER 8 Metabolic Acidosis   Harold M. Szerlip CHAPTER 9 Metabolic Alkalosis   Thomas D. DuB0se, Jr. CHAPTER 10 Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis   Nicolaos E. Madias CHAPTER 11 Approach to Acid-Base Disorders   Martin Goldberg   ……SECTION 3 Glomerular DiseasesSECTION 4 The Kidney in Systemic DiseaseSECTION 5 Acute Renal FailureSECTION 6 Drugs and the KidneySECTION 7 Hereditary Kidney DisordersSECTION 8 Tubulointerstitial Nephropathies and Disorders of the Urinary TractSECTION 9 The Kidney in Special CircumstancesSECTION 10 Chronic Kidney Disease and Its TherapySECTION 11 HypertenslonAppendixIndex



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