
出版时间:2004-2  出版社:ADV Manga  作者:Guy Nakahira,Genco-Olm  


Tsubasa Shiina is a fourth grader who just moved to Hokkaido with her father. Shy Tsubasa has a hard time making new friends at school. Her father is concerned, but he's just too busy with his new job. He even shows up late on Parents' Day. One night, Tsubasa sees a strange-looking object falling from the sky. Is it a spaceship!? It falls right into the woods by her house. It turns out to be a wounded alien in a damaged spaceship. All of a sudden, a monster starts coming at Tsubasa! Tsubasa suddenly transforms into "Figure." Confused and afraid, she somehow manages to defeat the monster with her new unbelievable power. After the fight, Tsubasa sees a girl who looks just like her - the girl's name is Hikaru!


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