
出版时间:1970-1  作者:本社 编  页数:240  


In a world where we all need to be more healthconscious, salads can open up the door to a delicious and nutritious way to boost energy levels and keep your weight down. Today's salads have shaken off their notoriety as being dull and uninspiring and are now bursting with color and flavor. With the addition of meat or fish and seafood, salads can become a substantial meal in their own right, or something lighter serves as an ideal accompaniment.    112 nutritious and delicious recipes    Brief introduction to each chapter, full of useful ideas and tips    A clear and easy-to-follow ingredients list and method for each recipe to ensure a perfect result    Inspiring photography of each recipe to set your taste buds tingling


introductionclassic saladsfruit & vegetable saladspoultry & meat saladsfish & seafood saladsdressings oils % vinegarsindex



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