


If you love cooking but are short of time, then The Big Book of One Pot will be indispensable. As the name suggests, all the dishes can be cooked in a single pot, leaving you with very little to wash up but plenty of time to get on with other things. These days most of us lead action-packed lives so time-consuming meal preparation, let alone clearing up afterwards, just doesn't fit in very easily. However we want to eat nutritious home-cooked food.
This book contains a wealth of recipes to suit all tastes and there is beautiful photography of every dish. You'll find chapters on main meal soups, and meat and poultry - both of which develop marvellous flavours and succulent textures when cooked in a single pot. There are plenty of tempting desserts too - the one pot treatment works equally well for crumbles, cobblers and brownies, and even ice cream. It's the ideal food for solitary suppers or for feeding a crowd. Just put the pot on the table and tuck in!



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