出版时间:1970-1 出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司 作者:本社 编
Known as 'Ink Painting' in China, Chinese Brush Painting shows you how to create peaceful and tranquil images of the natural world. This easy-to-follow guide gives you simple and clear instructions on how to make your first marks and exp[ains how to develop your skills using special brush and ink techniques. This is an indispensable edition for anyone wishing to broaden their artistic skills and discover this unique art form and includes: Authoritative advice on buying ink and painting supplies; Detailed instructions on making your first brushstrokes; Step-by-step directions for creating the 'Four Gentlemen'; Advice on broadening your repertoire of subjects; Hints and tips for using spectacular special effects; Helpful information on displaying your work; Ideas for handmade gifts; A gallery of inspirational paintings.
JntroductionThe Four TreasuresThe First StrokesThe Four GentlemenBroadening Your ReertoireSpecial EffectsDisplaying Your WorkGalleryGlossary of TermsSuppliers and CreditsJndex
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