
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Trevor Legate 著  页数:192  


Fully illustrated and highly detailed, The Ultimate History of Mercedes-Benz reveals the fascinating story of one of the world's most prestigious and desirable marques.    Here are the stories behind all of the great cars the earliest engine-powered Motorwagens, the record-breaking Blitzen Benz, the famous Silver Arrows racing cars, the instantlyecognizable 300SL Gullwig model, the elegant sedans and sports cars of the late twentieth century, the tiny Smart city car, the fabulous Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, and many more.


Introduction1 Birth of the Automobile 1834-18992 The Arrival of Mercedes 1900-19133 Joining Forces 1914-19264 The Era of the Silver Arrows 1927-19395 Conflict and Revival 1940-19516 Economic Recovery 1952-19597 Creating a New Image 1960-19738 Keeping Ahead of the Game 1974-19849 The First 100 Years 1985-199510 New Horizons 1996-2008Index



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  •   这本书市最新出版的,因此最新款式的车型如W204(C-Class)都有提及。对于Mercedes-Benz不同年代的代表车型都有评论和技术参数介绍。图片和印刷质量不错,价格合理,值得收藏。虽然是英文,但是基本都是常用语句。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
