儿童知识大百科Cheldran's Knowledg Encyclopedia

出版时间:2008-9  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd  作者:本社 编  页数:224  


The Children's KNOWLEDGE Encyclopedia reveals facts, figures and explanations about our world in an easy-to-read question and answer format. Discover the answers to questions such as:    What is a galaxy?    When does my brain sleep?    How fast could dinosaurs run?    Who were the real pirates of the Caribbean?    and many, many more


EARTH AND SPACEThe Bi9 BangThe SunThe Solar SystemThe rocky planetsThe gas planetsAsteroids, comets and meteors The MoonDiscovering spaceOur EarthVolcanoes and earthquakesMountains and valleysShaping the EarthThe Earth's atmosphereWeather and climateDINOSAURS ANDPREHISTORIC LIFERecord in the rocksThe beginning of lifeUnderwater lifePrehistoric fishGiant forests and insectsThe first four-legged animalsRise of the reptilesDawn of the dinosaursDinosaur ruleThe last dinosaursEarly birdsThe rise of mammalsGiant grazersFrom apes to humansPLANTS AND ANIMALSSortin9 living thingsFeeding and livin9Habitats of the worldGrassland homesSurviving in a desertIn the rainforestWoodland lifeMountain lifeLife in the freezerWetlands and lakesLiving in riversCoasts and coral reefsOcean lifeAnimals under threatTHE HUMAN BODYSkin, nails and hairThe skeletonMuscles and movementThe brainEyes and sightEars, hearin9 and balanceBreathing, talking and smellingHeart and bloodGettin9 illTaste and eatingVital organsA new lifeGrowing upKeeping healthy……GLOSSARYINDEX



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   这本书文字不难,涉及的知识很全面,适合百科知识的入门,适合喜欢英语的家长和儿童共享。会英语的家长可以读给小孩听,相信自己也有收获。
  •   本书十分适合英语较好的小学高年级孩子或初中生作为科普阅读材料使用。内容较新、翔实且难易适中。好书!
  •   itisverygoodandbeautiful,anditisusefulforstudyng
  •   不错啊,印刷精美,挺好

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