脑力游戏2Fantastic Brain Games

出版时间:2008-8  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:112  


Chocolate!For hundreds of years。people a11 around the world have been seduced by the delights of this wickedly temptmg f00d。This inspirational cookbook is especially designed fo。the home cook。featuring a mouth—watering range of irresistible。chocolate recipes。There are sections 0n sumptuous chocolate cakes。gateaux。loaves and cookies。on indulgent hot and cold desserts。and On dreamy chocolate sweets and drinks·There are also basic preparation methods and decoration techniques。    All 0f the recipes are easy to follow and use the best quality ingredients,with the emphasis on flaVour and Visual appeeal。Beautifully designed and produced。Greatest Ever Chocolate。is the comprehensive guide to chocolte heaven!


IntroductionBasic RecipesCakes,Gateaux&LoavesHot DessertsCold DessertsSmall Cakes&CookiesSweets&DrinksIndex



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