一锅炖出多样菜Just 1 Pot

出版时间:2008-6  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2008年7月1日)  作者:本社 编  页数:176  


If you Love to cook but can't face washing the dishes, then Just 7 Pot is the book for you. As the name suggests, all the dishes can be cooked in a singLe pot, leaving you with very Little to cLean upi and plenty of time to reLax whiLe the cooking takes care of itself.The wide choice of pots and pans opens up endLess possibiLities,alLowing you to add aLL kinds of dishes and techniques to your one-pot repertoire. Spicy stir:fries and curries, fragrant rice and pasta dishes, gratins, bakes and braises are all easy to make in just one pan or pot.    Beautifully illustrated with fuU-colour photography, all the recipes in this book are written in easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions,and are simple to prepare and cook. So get cooking and see how easy it is to create delicious meals from Just 7 Pot.





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