
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2008年9月1日)  作者:本社 编  页数:382  


The ultimate reference guide to the world of cats.Highly illustrated throughout with photographs and graphics,comlementing incisive and informative text.    A comprehensive overview of the history and nature of the cat,and an accessible guide to all aspects of cat care.    In-depth coverage of all the main cat breeds,including information on origins,appearance,and temperament.    Icons provide an at-a-glance overview of build,temperament,and coat care for each breed,and show the most common colour variations.    The essential guide for cat-lovers and cat-owners.


About this bookThe nature of the cat             Evolution of the cat family     The cat family tree          Big cats                  Small cats in the Americas     Small cats in Africa          European and Asian small cats  The cat's closest relations     The domestic cat           Feral cats                 The feline lifecycle          Cat communication         Territorial behaviour         Hunting                  Activity and sleep           Grooming                 Feline reprnduction         Kittening                 How cats learn             Cats in motion             Coat and claws             Cats' eyes                Cats' ears               Smell and taste             The feline diet            Cat care Owning a cat Indoor cats Outdoor cats Cats alone and in company Choosing your kind of cat Moving a cat Settling in Kitten and young cat care Feeding your cat Grooming a cat Accessories Training a cat Cat-sitters and catteries The elderly cat Behaviour problems Cat fights Emergency conditions Basic first aid Parasites Infectious diseases and vaccinations Nominfectious conditions Monitoring and maintaining healthCats in culture The spread of the cat Sacred cats Cat myth and superstition Cats in literature and art Cats on screen Collectable catsBreeds and ShoWs The start of the cat fancy Registries worldwide today Preparing a cat for a show Showing a cat Breeding Pregnancy and kittening Breed standards New trends in cat breeding Cat colours Striped, blotched, and spotted tabbies Ticked tabbies and other tabby mutations Smoke, shaded, and tipped colours Pointed patterns White and bi-coloured cats Eye colours Build and shape The changing form of cats Head form Changes in head typesShorthair breedsLonghair breedsRexed and hairless breeds Breeds with unusual features Hybrid breedS Useful books and references Breed registries Glossary Index Acknowledgements




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