Baby Animals 动物宝宝

出版时间:2008-12  作者:Danie 著  页数:96  


Most people will agree that baby animals are naturally adorable. Young mammals in particular elicit similar responses from us that human babies do. Our instinctive desire to care for babies is so strong that we often transfer those feelings to animals without even thinking about it, and why shouldn't we? Caring for animals, particularly young animals, can give us a great deal of pleasure. Anyone who has ever looked after a puppy or kitten knows the great rewards that they can bring.    With caring owners, young pets can grow up safely and lead long, happy lives. For animals born into the wild, the future is not so certain. From the moment they enter the world, they face many difficulties and dangers, not least the threat from predators and the struggle to find food.    Written by one of Britain's most respected natural history authors, this book explores the lives of baby animals and the triats many face and overcome.


Baby AnimalsOn the FarmPads,Paws and ClawsBorn to RunMonkey MagicWater BabiesFeathered FriendsPerfect PetsIntex



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  •   这本书纸质很好,很多可爱的动物,照片效果很好,值得收藏。

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