雪茄指南 Guide to Cigars

出版时间:2008-2  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2008年2月1日)  作者:Ira Pilossof  页数:176  


The Complete Guide to Cigars offers a comprehensive exploration of the history of cigars,from the very first plantations to the modern—day cult of the cigar。It also has an extensive directory,listing the established brands from Cuba,the Dominican Republic and other cigar producing countries around the world。  The Complete Guide fo cigars shows how the history of the cigar is inextricably bound into the history of the slave trade and the lives of the settlers in the New World,and how this valuable commodity caused decades of conflict between nations。It also illuminates the intricate and highly skilled process of making a cigar from sowing tobacco to packing cigars for export。    There is also advice on how to choose and store cigars,how to be sure you are buying a genuine Havana and how to get the most enjoyment you can from your cigars。This is a book for all aspiring cigar aficionados,as well as people who enjoy a good smoke。


IntroductionCHAPTER1 The Anatomy of CigarsCHAPTER2 Cigar DirectoryGlossaryIndexAcknowledgements



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