自制蛋糕与糕点Cakes & Bakes

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  页数:96  


Whether you're an experienced cook or just starting out, Cakes and Bakes is the idea guide to home baking, There's almost always a moment in the busy day when a 'little something' fills the bill  a slice of sponge cake with a cup of tea for a tired mum, flapjacks and glasses of milk for the children when they return from school, gloriously indulgent chocolate cake for a elebratory meal. crisp cookies with a pick-me-up coffee. It has never been easier to rustle up a batch of muffins, a clutch of cookies, a luscious chocolate cake or cute melt-in-vour-mouth morsels for a child's birthday.    All the recipes are beautifully illustrated with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. You dont need loads of special equipment or the advanced skills of a professional chef to serve tempting treats every time - with Cakes and Bakes satisfaction is virtually guaranteed.


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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   很高兴找到这本书里面做法、分量都介绍得非常非常详细!!想学做正宗蛋糕的话很好用啊!!里面的图也很精美,看得我直流口水啊~
  •   做出来的西点确实很原汁原味,用料很有指导性
  •   就是印刷在中国让我有些失望我希望是纯外国原版的书

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