
出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  页数:96  


Vietnamese cuisine is like no other in the world. Vietnam's turbulent history has resulted in an incredible fusion of influences from China, India. France and America. leadingto a cuisine that is at once familiar and unexpected, and always fresh and exciting.    With their wonderful combination of flavours, textures, ingredients and aromas, the 38 recipes in this book offer something for every  palate and every occasion, from Chinese-influenced spring rolls and noodle soups to excitingly exotic versions of French classics such as crepes. You will also find recipes for condiments and sweets.    Vietnamese is part of a series of books designed to let you discover thewonderfully diverse cuisines of the world. Each title features classic andcontemporary recipes that can be made with ingredients that are readily available, offering you the chance to bring to your table tastes and culinary traditions enjoyed around the globe.


Introduction  Historical and cultural background  The nature of Vietnamese cuisine  Cooking techniques and flavours  Essential ingredients and methodsSoups, Rice and Noodles  Spicy and sour fish and pineapple soup  Asparagus and crab soup  Beef fondue with anchovy and pineapple sauce  Rice noodle soup with beef  Rite noodle soup with prawns, squid and pork  Rice noodles with fried yellow fish, peanuts and herbs  Spicy chicken and rice porridge with lemon grass  Chicken, mint and shallot rice  Crispy crepes with pork, prawns and beansprouts  Crispy crepes with beansprouts, spring onions and shiitake mushrooms  Prawn and pork summer rolls  Tofu summer rolls  Pork spring rolls  Stuffed crab shellsMeats and Seafood  Crispy fish with stir-fried tomatoes and herbs  Prawn quenellesMeats and Seafood continued  Pork meatballs  Grilled lemon grass pork skewers  Braised pork shanks in caramel sauce with eggs  Chicken curry  Boasted garlic poussins  Duck g l'orange  Braised beef and carrots  Beef in vine leavesCondiments and Vegetables  Sweet, sour and spicy fish sauce  Spicy peanut sauce  Pickled vegetables  Sweet-and-sour cabbage salad  Green pawpaw salad  Stir-fried leafy greens  Vegetable curry  Fried tofu with lemon grassSweets  Banana and coconut tapioca  Mung bean soup  Fried banana dumplings  Coconut yucca cake  Rainbow coconut drink with mango  Sweet milk coffeeIndex




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  •   图片精美,介绍的菜式不多。不过书的形状是正方的,似乎还是长方形的封面更加好看。相对不多的内容来说,价格有些小贵哦~
  •   虽然菜式不是很多,但还算简单好操作。有些原材料可能会比较难找到。图片还算漂亮,每个操作步骤也介绍得很详细。如果介绍的菜式更多些,我会更开心。
  •   比想象中好,是越南菜入门者适合看的

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