儿童海洋生物大百科Childrer's Oceam Life Encyclopedia

出版时间:2008-9  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Parragon (COR)  页数:224  


The Children's OCEAN LIFE Encyclopedia is a clear and comprehensive guide to the creatures that inhabit the world's oceans and seas. It is full of fascinating facts and intriguing information.    Discover the answers to questions such as:    which is the biggest fish in the ocean?    how do penguins survive in icy Antarctica ?    why does the ocean have tides and waves?    how do dolphins talk to each other?


IntroductionThe world's oceansBeaches and shoresCoastal lifeCoral reefsOpen oceansThe deep oceanPolar watersOceans in dangerSome useful wordsWeb sitesIndex



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  •   还不错,不太突出,中文版的也能买到同类的书。

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