Weapons of WWII 二战武器装备

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Ludeke, Alexander  页数:320  


This book describes the weapons and vehicles of all the countries that fought in World War II in a clear and comprehensive manner. It offers an excellent overview of the diverse weaponry used by both the Axis Powers and the Allies.    The weapons described here range from the pistol to the 75t battle tank and from single-engine fighter planes to the largest, heaviest battleships ever to have sailed the seas. This book examines every major area of military technology from infantry arms to submarines and includes a chapter on special weapons.    Everything you might want to know about the development and deployment of each type of weapon can be found here along with the relevant technical specifications. Furthermore. these historically and technically precise profiles are brought to life by over 500 photographs and technical drawings.    Thanks to its clear structure, informative text. and wealth of facts, this book is a treasure trove for anyone interested in history or military history wishing to [earn more about how developments in weapons technology influenced the course of World War Ⅱ.作者简介:    Alexander Ludeke, born in 1968, is a historian and Anglicist. His special, interest lties in military history, a field in which he has made a name for himsetf with both translations and original publications on the subject of military technology. He has set himself the task of writing about recent history comprehensivelly.objectivety, and neutrally.


NTRODUCTIONNFANTRY WEAPONS  Germany  Italy  Japan  France  United Kingdom  Soviet Union  USAUNARMORED VEHICLES  Germany  Italy  United Kingdom  Canada  Soviet Union  USAARMORED VEHICLES  Germany  Italy  Japan  Poland  France  United Kingdom  Soviet Union  USAARTILLERY  Germany  Italy  Japan  France  United Kingdom  Soviet Union  USA  Switzerland  SwedenSPECIAL WEAPONS  Germany  Japan  Soviet Union  USAAIRCRAFT  Germany  Italy  Japan  France  United Kingdorr  Soviet Union  USASHIPS  Germany  Italy  Japan  France  United Kingdom  USAIndexPicture credits




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