英语练习English with practice book

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  页数:32  


This Gold Stars workbook has been specially created to help develop early literacy skills. The authors, Betty Root and Monica Hughes, are literacy experts in the field of primary education. ENGLISH FOR AGES 5-6 includes helpful guidelines for parents, plus parent notes for the activities.The clearly designed pages and brightly coloured pictures make [earning both easy and fun.


All about meMiddle soundsMiddle vowelsOdd one outSilly or sensible?Using lobelsThe alphabetDouble soundsBeginning soundsSecond chonceRead ond drowThe Enormous TurnipHow does it end?Alphobetical orderLittle wordsFind the right wordMaking sentencesAlphabetical orderDays of the weekFind your wagTelephone numbersAnimal dictionaryReading an indexSecond chanceMaking listsPatterns in wordsFind the rhgmesAnswers



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  •   给小孩子练英语的,对小孩子来讲,不太用动脑就可以学到东西,很直观,又有图,他们乐意。

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