Treasury For 2 Year Olds2岁宝宝故事与儿歌集

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:93  


  A TREASURY FOR Two YEAR 0LDS This treasury brings together best—loved nu rsery rhymes and   exciting new stories.The enchanting illustrations bring to life this del ightful col lection of traditional rhymes and introduce children to many new characters,such as Ba rney the  Bea r and a whale cal led Fl ippy.Children and adults will enjoy sha ring this beautiful collection.  A TREASU RY FOR Two YEAR OLDS iS su re to become a fi rm favou rite with everyone.


The Naughty BearsTen Little TeddiesLazy MaryLucy LocketNippy SnippyWhale SongMy Best FriendSome Teddy BearsDing,Dong,BellLazy TeddyIf You're Happy andElephants Never ForgetItchy SpotsTeddy Bears'PicnicLittle Dog LoatRound and Round the GardenThe Bear Will Have to GoIn a SpinThere was a Crooked ManKnick Knack Paddy WhackThe Littlest PigAchoo!Gee Up,Teddy & Three Teds in a TubMidnight FunBirthday BunniesJelly on the PlateTea with the QueenBarney the Boastful BearPop Goes the Weasel & Two Little Men in a Flying SaucerThe Baby in the CradleLittle Sheep



    Treasury For 2 Year Olds2岁宝宝故事与儿歌集 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   还没人写评语之前,本书就卖完了,可以好书的魅力,真的好!
  •   书的纸质和印刷都很棒,喜欢!内容也不错,简单的故事或儿歌...

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