
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  页数:256  


Italian cooking is steeped in tradition and history, yet it is still relevant to today's modern cook. The emphasis on seasonal, locally sourced ingredients and uncompromising quality has had a profound effect on the style of Italian cuisine and has led to its sustained popularity. Simplicity is the essence, a philosophy adopted by Linda Doeser when creating this inspiring and mouthwatering range of dishes. With a collection of 100 traditional recipes, Linda captures the rich diversity of the culinary regional styles, revealing the characteristic ingredients and distinctive cooking techniques that are the key to creating delicious authentic dishes. The recipes evoke the essence of Italy, whether it be a plate of pasta topped with a simple sauce of olive oil, garlic and clams, a slow-cooked aromatic beef stew or the perfect seafood risotto. The additional advantage of the Italian diet, like that of most Mediterranean countries, is that it is one of the healthiest. This aspect, along with the distinct personality of Italian cuisine, is captured in these recipes, from the mixed antipasti platter, featuring juicy wedges of cantaloupe melon with salami, prosciutto, fresh figs, succulent black olives and a sprinkling of fresh basil, to grilled sardines with lemon sauce, and roast lamb with  rosemary and Marsala,  not forgetting the ubiquitous pasta and pizza.    Those with a sweet tooth will not be disappointed with the selection of desserts, ranging from the decadently rich and creamy tiramisu to the refreshing iced lemon granita.


IntroductionIn the Italian KitchenSoups Et Antipasti  Genoese Vegetable Soup Minestrone aria Genovese  Fresh Tomato Soup Zuppa di Pomodori  White Bean Soup Zuppa di Fagioli  Beef Soup with Eggs Zuppa Pavese  Seafood Soup Zuppa di Pesce  Marinated Raw Beef Carpaceio  Prosciutto with Rocket Prosciutto con la Rucola  Mixed Antipasto Meat Platter Salumi  Polenta with Parma Ham Polenta con Proseiutto  Roman Artichokes Carciofi alia Romana  Warm Vegetable Medley Caponata  Cheese and Sun-dried Tomato Toasts Brusehetta  Sicilian Stuffed Tomatoes Pomodori aria Sieiliana  Fried Cheese Sandwiches Mozzarella in CarrozzaPasta, Rice Et Pizza  Tagliatelle with a Rich Meat Sauce Tagliatelle alia Bolognese  Spaghetti with Meatballs Spaghetti con le Polpette  Farfalle with Cream and Parmesan Farfalle all'Alfredo  Fusilli with Gorgonzola and Mushroom Sauce Fusilli alia Boscaiola  Baked Pasta with Mushrooms Crostata ai Funghi  Baked Lasagne Lasagne al Forno  Cannelloni with Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni Imbottiti  Springtime Pasta Pasta Primavera  Rabid Pasta Pasta all'Arrabbiata  Radiatori with Pumpkin Sauce Radiatori al Sugo di Zueca  Linguine with Anchovies, Olives and Capers Linguine aria Puttanesea  Seafood Pasta Pa reels Spaghetti ai Frutti di Mare al Cartoccio  Layered Spaghetti with Smoked Salmon and Prawns Pasticcio di Spaghetti con Salmone Affumicato e Gamberoni  Spaghetti with Clams Spaghetti aria Vongole  Saffron Risotto Risotto aria Milanese  Risotto with Four Cheeses Risotto ai Quattro Formaggi  Seafood Risotto Risotto alia Marinara  Rice and Peas Risi e BisiPasta,Rice Pizza continuedMeat Et PoultryFish Et SeafoodDesserts,Cakes Et DrinksIndex




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  •   有人问西餐之母是哪国菜?我想大部分人会说是法国菜吧,现在我郑重地告诉大家,西餐之母是意大利菜!意大利民族是一个美食家的民族,他们在饮食方面有着悠久历史,如同他们的艺术、时装和汽车,总是喜欢精心制作。意大利美食典雅高贵,且浓重朴实,讲究原汁原味。意大利菜系非常丰富,菜品成千上万,除了大家耳熟能详的比萨饼和意大利粉,它的海鲜和甜品都闻名遐迩。源远流长的意大利餐,对欧美国家的餐饮产生了深厚影响,并发展出包括法餐、美国餐在内的多种派系,故有“西餐之母”之美称。意大利地处欧洲南部的亚平宁半岛,约有人口7600多万,绝大多数信奉天主教。自公元前753年罗马城兴建以来,罗马帝国在吸取了古希腊文明精华的基础上,发展出先进的古罗马文明,从而成为当时欧洲的政治、经济和文化中心。以佛罗伦萨城为首的王公贵族们,纷纷以研究开发烹调技艺及拥有厨艺精湛的厨师来展现自己的实力与权力,并以此为尊贵和荣耀。因此,当时一般的平民百姓认为只要能成为烹调料理的高手,就有置身贵族圈的机会,以至全国上下弥漫在烹调技艺的研发乐趣之中,顺势将餐饮业发展推向鼎盛时期,进而奠定出“西餐之母”的神圣地位,并影响了欧洲的大部分地区,被誉为“欧洲大陆烹饪之始祖”。意大利人对西餐文化贡献颇多。公元1533年,意大利公主凯瑟琳·狄·麦迪奇下嫁法国王储亨利二世时,带了30位厨师前往,将新的食物与烹饪方法引介至法国。法国人则将两国烹饪上的优点加以融合,并逐步将其发扬光大,创造出当今最负盛名的西餐代表——“法国菜”。其次,意大利人发明餐用叉子,为餐桌上的文化立下新的批注。意大利烹饪以世界精美菜肴著称,它与法国烹饪不同,具有自己的风格特色:菜肴注重原汁原味,讲究火候的运用。意大利菜肴最为注重原料的本质、本色,成品力求保持原汁原味。在烹煮过程中非常喜欢用蒜、葱、西红柿酱、干酪,讲究制作沙司。烹调方法以炒、煎、烤、红烩、红焖等居多。通常将主要材料或裹或腌,或煎或烤,再与配料一起烹煮,从而使菜肴的口味异常出色,缔造出层次分明的多重口感。意大利菜肴对火候极为讲究,很多菜肴要求烹制成六、七成熟,而有的则要求鲜嫩带血,例如:罗马式炸鸡、安格斯嫩牛扒。米饭、面条和通心粉则要求有一定硬度。巧妙利用食材的自然风味,烹制美馔。烹制意大利菜,总是少不了橄榄油、黑橄榄、干白酪、香料、西红柿与Marsala酒。这六种食材是意大利菜肴调理上的灵魂,也代表了意大利当地所盛产与充分利用的食用原料,因此意大利菜肴能无出其右地被称为“道地与传统”。最常用的蔬菜有西红柿、白菜、胡萝卜、龙须菜、莴苣、土豆等。配菜广泛使用大米,配以肉、牡蛎、乌贼、田鸡、蘑菇等。意大利人对肉类的制作及加工非常讲究,如风干牛肉(Drybeef)、风干火腿(Parmaham)、意大利腊肠、波伦亚香肠、腊腿等,这些冷肉制品非常适合于开胃菜和下酒佐食,享誉全世界。以米面做菜,花样繁多,口味丰富。意大利人善做面、饭类制品,几乎每餐必做,而且品种多样,风味各异。著名的有意大利面、匹萨饼等。具有不同形状和颜色的意大利面,斜状的是为了让酱汁进入面管中,而有条纹状的粉令酱汁留在面条表层上,颜色则代表了面条加添不同的营养素。红色面是在制面的过程中,在面中混入红甜椒或甜椒根,黄色面是混入番红花蕊或南瓜,绿色面是混入菠菜,黑色面堪称最具视觉冲击力,用的是墨鱼的墨汁,所有颜色皆来自自然食材,而不是色素。面条口味则以三种基本酱汁为主导,分别是以西红柿为底的酱汁,以鲜奶油为底的酱汁和以橄榄油为底的酱汁。这些酱汁还能搭配上海鲜、牛肉、蔬菜,或者单纯配上香料,变化成各种不同的口味。区域差异,造就地方美食。由于南北气候风土差异,意大利菜有四大菜系。北意菜系:面食的主要材料是面粉和鸡蛋,尤以宽面条以及千层面最著名。此外,北部盛产中长稻米,适合烹调意式多梭饭和米兰式利梭多饭。喜欢采用牛油烹调食物。中意菜系:以多斯尼加和拉齐奥两个地方为代表,特产多斯尼加牛肉、朝鲜蓟和柏高连奴芝士。南意菜系:特产包括榛子、莫撒里拿芝士、佛手柑油和宝侧尼菌。面食主要材料是硬麦粉、盐和水,其中包括通心粉、意大利粉和车轮粉等,更喜欢用橄榄油烹调食物,善于利用香草、香料和海鲜入菜。小岛菜系:以西西里亚为代表,深受阿拉伯影响,食风
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