horse & ponies 马

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:TAMSIN PICKERAL 著  页数:384  


A highly informative highly illustrated guide to the world of horses.Text and illustration combine to provide a comprehensive look at all aspects of the horse.    A one-stop reference guide to the main breeds illustrated with1000 photographs and line drawings Easy-to-use icons provide information on uses blood type and temperament Identifcation boxes List approximate size colour variations and place of origin Introductory sections give information about horse anatomy and history Includes a practical guide for the horse-owner containing tips and advice.


Tamsin Pickenal has ridden hoses since she was a child A keen competitor in horse shows and trials during her youh she now lives in America and when she is not writing abour borses trains young horses A Forner computer progummes.her intesest in writing ab


INTRODUCTIONA World of HorsesThe Anaromy of the HorseHorse Care and ManagementHealth and BreedingBasic TackRding and TrainingCompetitionsHorses in the Human WorldClassifying HorsesTHe BreedsUSERJL ADDRESSESBIBUOGRAPHY & FURTHER READINGGLOSSARYPICTURE CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINDEX




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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   很喜欢马。这本书简直就是我梦寐以求的一本。前半本讲关于马的一切,由照料,喂养,配种,到骑术,装备,艺术,无所不包。而且图片精美,印刷/纸质上乘。后半本介绍各种马种,图文并茂。当然,因为是英国的作者,中国马的介绍就少一点了。太喜欢,太喜欢了。想多买几册送给一起骑马的朋友,但好像当当存货不够!郁闷!另外,这本书是英文原版,要想好好欣赏,英文水平是要很高的喔!
  •   什么时候再进货呀?还要多买两本送人。

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