The Science of Parenting: Practical Guidance on Sleep, Crying, Play and Building Emotional Wellbeing for Life (精装)

出版时间:2006年05月  出版社:Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd (2006年5月1日)  作者:Margot Sunderland  


It's time to re-write the rule book on raising a child. Based on over 700 scientific studies into children's development, BMA award-winning author and child psychotherapist Dr. Margot Sunderland explains how to develop your child's potential to the full. Find out the truth about popular childcare tactics, how touch, laughter and play build emotional wellbeing for life, and the strategies for effectively dealing with temper tantrums and tears. This is the first practical parenting book to give you the facts, not the fiction on the best way to bring up your child, essential for any parent.



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