Great Britain (平装)

出版时间:2006年01月  出版社:Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd  作者:Michael Leapman  


The guide that shows you what other travel books only tell you!  
From its stately homes to quaint villages, no travel reference leads you through the United Kingdom like DK's Eyewitness Travel Guide: Great Britain. Containing more than 1,400 full-color photographs, this handbook features street-by-street maps as well as illustrated 3-D overviews to all main attractions. Visit the royal residences of Buckingham Palace, Blenheim Palace, Warwick Castle, Hampton Court, the Royal Pavilion, and Edinburgh Castle. Suggested driving tours like the North Norfolk Coastal Tour take you to the Blakeney Marshes, Hunstanton Cliffs, and the exquisite lavender fields of Caley Mill. Beyond England, the guide covers the scenic wonders of Wales and Scotland, including the Welsh National Park Brecon Beacons. Complete with historical overviews of England, Scotland, and Wales this informative handbook also includes guides for regional cuisine, entertainment, shopping, and established pubs. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.



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