DK Natural Pregnancy 怀上宝宝

出版时间:2005-7  作者:Zita West 著  页数:160  


Give your baby the best start in life with this practical guide to natural pregnancy. From preconception to pregnancy and postnatal care, fertility expert and midwife Zita West takes you through this special time suggesting safe and natural ways to enhance your experience. Covering the most effective complementary treatments, from acupuncture and yoga to tips on how to boost immunity and minimize morning sickness, this is the definitive guide to enjoying a healthy and natural pregnancy. Zita West's natural pregnancy programme represents the future of childbirth.' Daily Mail.


Zita West is an acupuncturist, nutritionist and midwife with her own Harley Street fertility practice. She has developed her own Zita West products, and her clients include Cate Blanchett, Davina McCall, Ulrika Jonson and Kate Winslet. Zita has been a midwifery expert on GMTV, Open House and This Morning and currently writes a weekly column in Prima Baby magazine. Zita lives in London.



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