出版时间:2006-12 出版社:Blackwell Pub 作者:Cooper, Arnold C. (EDT)/ Alvarez, Sharon A. (EDT)/ Carrera, Alejandro A. (EDT)/ Mesquita, Luiz A. (EDT)/ Vassolo, Roberto S. (EDT) 页数:236
The Strategic Management Society Book Series is a cooperative effortbetween the Strategic Management Society and B[ackwe[[ Publishing. The purpose of the series is to present information on cutting-edgeconcepts and topics in strategic management theory and practice. Thebooks emphasize bui[ding and maintaining bridges between strategic management theory and practice. The work pub[]shed in these booksenerates and tests new theories of strategic management. Add]tiona[[y,work pub[ished in this series demonstrates how to [earn, understand,and app[y these theories in practice. The content of the seriesrepresents the newest critical thinking in the field of strategicmanagement. As a resu[t, these books provide va[uab[e know[edge forstrategic management scho[ars, consu[tants, and executives.
Notes on ContributorsList of FiguresList of Tables 1 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in EmergingPart I Entrepreneurial Theory and Uncertain Environments 2 Can Organizing a Firm Create New Economic Value? 3 How Entrepreneurs Create Wealth in Transition 4 International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies:Part II National Context and New Enterprises 5 Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries 6 How Much Does Country Matter? 7 The Entrepreneurship and Clusters Foundations of Development: Theoretical Perspectives and Latin 8 The Political Foundations of Inter-firm Networks and Social Capital: A Post-Communist Lesson 9 External Networks of Entrepreneurial Teams and High 10 Entrepreneurial Innovation in Standards-based Industries:Author IndexSubject Index