国际商务误区 Blunders in International Business

出版时间:2006-3  出版社:Blackwell Pub  作者:Ricks, David A.  页数:182  


Mistakes in business, errors no one wants to admit, and stories of disasterand cris~s no one cares to recount can illustrate valuable lessons andstrategies for coping with similar situations in the future.David Ricks continues to uncover many informative, entertaining blundersthat will make this book hard to put down.


Preface1  Introduction  The Role of Culture  The Role of CommunicatioF  Structure:2  Production  Location/Layout  Product  Package  Color  Summary3 Name s  Product Names  Company Names  Summary4 Marketlng  Promotions  Pricing  Summary5 Translation  Carelessness  Multiple Meanings  Idioms  Summary6  ManInt   Cultural Differences   Poor Personnel Choices   Labor Relations   Summary7 StrItiMnwnt   Entry Mode   Supply Problems   Complex Problems   Additional Mistakes   Summary8  ther Ar sof Int natlonal lsln     Legal   Finance   Market Research   Summary9  Lsont rned   Adaptation   Nationalism   Promotion   Translation   Market Research   ConclusionNotesIndex of CompaniesIndex of PlacesIndex of Products



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