微生物与感染一览 Medical Microbiology & Infection at a Glance

出版时间:2003-11  出版社:Blackwell Pub  作者:Gillespie, Stephen H./ Bamford, Kathleen B.  页数:128  


Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is a concise and accessible guide to the field of microbiology and infection. Updated throughout, the second edition takes the reader through the underlying concepts of microbiology to the pathogenesis, transmission and clinical management of infection and disease. Following the now classic ‘At a Glance’ format, topics are discussed on double page spreads. On one page, helpful memorable diagrams illustrate vital points and on the accompanying page, the text presents key facts and fundamental information. Starting with structure and classification, section one covers the transmission, investigations, therapy and control of infections. Section two and three cover the vital details of bacteriology and virology respectively. The final three sections include essential coverage of mycology, parasitology and systemic infection. The second edition includes three new chapters, which cover the use of antibiotics and treatment guidelines; vaccination and emerging infections and well as a new chapter increasing the coverage of Enteric Gram-negative bacteria.   The second edition of Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is an ideal resource for medical and biomedical science students, whilst students of other health professions and those in areas such as infection control will also find it invaluable. This book fits into the budget and reading time of busy students, and is recommended as primary or supplementary reading for a lecture-based course, and/or as a book for revision prior to examinations.


Preface to second edition Preface to first edition Concepts   1 Structure and classification of bacteria  2 Innate immunity and normal flora  3 Pathogenicity and transmission of microorganisms  4 The laboratory investigation of infection  5 Antibacterial therapy  6 Antibiotics in clinical use  7 Resistance to antibacterial agents  8 Hospital-acquired infections  9 Control of infection in hospital  10 Control of infection in the community  11 Emerging infections Bacteriology   12 Staphylococcus  13 Streptococcal infections  14 Corynebacterium, Listeria and Bacillus  15 Mycobacteria 36  16 Clostridium  17 Non-sporing anaerobic infections  18 Neisseria and Haemophilus  19 Small Gram-negative cocco-bacilli: Bordetella, Brucella, Francisella, Yersinia and Bartonella  20 Pathogenicity of enteric Gram-negative bacteria  21 Enterobacteriaceae clinical syndromes  22 Vibrio, Campylobacter and Helicobacter  23 Environmental pathogens: Pseudomonas, Burkholderia and Legionella  24 Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Rickettsia  25 Spiral bacteria Virology   26 Virus structure, classification and antiviral therapy  27 Herpesviruses I  28 Herpesviruses II  29 DNA viruses: adenovirus, parvovirus and poxvirus  30 Measles, mumps and rubella  31 Influenza and a parainfluenza viruses  32 Enterovirus and viruses infecting the gastrointestinal tract  33 Hepatitis viruses  34 Tropical, exotic or arbovirus infections Mycology   35 Yeast infections  36 Filamentous fungi Parasitology   37 Intestinal protozoa  38 Malaria, leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis  39 Gut helminths  40 Tissue helminths Systemic Infection   41 Congenital and perinatal infections  42 HIV infection and AIDS  43 Pyrexia of unknown origin and septicaemia  44 Endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis  45 Infections of the central nervous system  46 Respiratory tract infections  47 Urinary and genital infections  48 Infections of the bones and joints  49 Bacterial diarrhoeal disease  50 Zoonoses  51 Infections in immunocompromised patients  52 Ocular infections  53 Infections of the skin and soft tissue Glossary Antibiotic table Index



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  •   该书涵盖面比较大,但内容比较简单,作为入门读物还好,但作为专业读物就显得比较空洞,但中国人买类似的英文原版书主要是用来作为专业读物来看,所以比较尴尬。

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