Passion and Betrayal(激情与背叛-克林顿的情妇珍尼佛)

出版时间:1995-12  出版社:默认  作者:Gennifer Flowers  


I was working as a television news reporter and had been sentto interview Mr. Clinton about a meeting he and Arkansas SenatorDale Bumpers had just attended in Washington. Although the sun hadset, the air was still warm--but I was shivering from nervousness. Iwasn t intimidated by Mr. Clinton--he had the reputation of beingopen and friendly, a man who would greet you with a handshake anda smile. I was nervous because I was new. In fact, I had been with thestation for only a few weeks, and this was my first major assignment.      Clinton walked briskly toward the little group of reporters. Heseemed in a buoyant mood. We all raised our hands at once, andthrough the chorus of questions, I asked in a loud voice,\"Mr. Clinton,can I get a statement from you?\" He turned to the sound of my voiceand locked his eyes on me. He walked straight over to me with a biggrin growing on his face, gave me a casual once-over, and asked, withhis now-familiar Arkansas drawl,\" Where did they get you?\"      For an instant I was speechless. Here I was, trying to do myjob,and the attorney general was coming on to me! I looked at him inno-cently, pretending not to understand what he was implying, andquickly replied,\"I just started recently.\"Then, before he had a chanceto say anything else, I plunged right into my questions. Although hegave serious answers, that lazy, sexy smile never left his face. His lightblue eyes stayed focused on mine, as though we were the only oneson the tarmac. He was clearly send!ng Fie a strong message and ithad nothing to do with my questions, tl,      I breathed a sigh of relief when he fFe} t. I felt drained. AlthoughI was a little put offby his come-on, I had to admit he was attractive:tall--well over six feet--dark, wavy hair; bedroom eyes; and the sex-iest mouth I had ever seen.



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