出版时间:2004-12 作者:Paul Daley 页数:149
Favourite Holes by Design: The Architect's Choice comprises fifty-eight essays written by leading golf-course architects from the major golf-playing nations. Several of the game's most celebrated holes are featured: the treacherous Road hole at The Old Course, St. Andrews; Pebble Beach's beguiling seventh; Royal Troon's diminutive Postage Stamp eighth hole; Ballybunion's majestic eleventh hole, among them. By nature, golf architects are clinical, reasoned, and articulate. But let's not forget they are golfers, too, and prone to the internal and external influences that all golfers experience. Tugging at one's heartstrings, who could discount the affinity that develops between golfer, hole, and course, during one's early years in the game. Stories of that ilk are interwoven throughout Favourite Holes. Compare your favourite hole to those of the architects. Hear their passion and learn their knowledge about the hole's design and mood as it works on the player. Presenting a list of favourite holes derived solely from the world's most cherished golf courses would be a lost opportunity. The famous cathedrals of golf, such as, Pine Valley, Royal Melbourne, Shinnecock Hills, Cypress Point, Pebble Beach, St. Andrews Old, don't have a mortgage on great holes, nor do regulation eighteen-hole layouts. Visit even the rankest of municipal courses, and you're bound to find one hole that has merit. Favourite Holes by Design: The Architect's Choice features a range of holes that vary in composition, difficulty, and appearance. Some ntries are unapologetically 'penal,' while others are examples of golf holes designed along classical 'heroic' and 'strategic' lines. 作者作者: A student of golf-course architecture, Paul Daley enjoys his career of writing, editing, and publishing golf literature. Paul's new release, Favourite Holes by Design: The Architect's Choice follows the successful first twovol umes of Golf Architecture: A Worldwide Perspective, a t h ree-vol u m e collection of golf architecture-based essays from contributors within the golf architecture industry. Pr evious titles, Links Golf: The Inside Story (2000) and The Sand belt: Melbourne's Golfing Heaven (2001)--a collaboration with renowned golf course photographer, David Scaletti—were joint runners-up in the United States Golf Association International Golf Book of the Year Award in 2000 and 2001. A member of both Hunting dale and The National Golf Clubs in Melbourne, Australia, the Tilling hast Society, and the Golf Society of Australia, Paul is an ex-pennant golfer currently playing from a handicap of five.
IntroductionOakmont Country Club: eighteenth hole, USABallybunion Golf Club: fifteenth hole (Cashen), irelandRoyal Adelaide Golf Club: third hole, AustraliaRidgewood Country Club: fourth hole (West), USAThe Wentworth Club: eleventh hole (West), EnglandThe Gleneagles Hotel: thirteenth hole (King's), ScotlandSt. Andrews: second hole(Old Course), ScotlandThe National Golf Club: seventh hole !Old), AustraliaMachrihanish Golf Club: first heiR, ScotlandNational Golf Links of America: seventeenth hole, USASt. Andrews: seventeenth hole (Old Course), ScotlandRoyal County Down Golf Club: thirteenth hole, Northern IrelandSpyglass Hill Golf Course: fourth hole, USADurban Country Club: second hole, South AfricaKoninklijke Haagsche Golf& Country Club: sixth hole, The NetherlandsThe Royal Melbourne Golf Club: third hole (West)r AustraliaLahinch Golf Club: fifth hole, IrelandShinnecock Hills G01f Course: twelfth hole, USAPebb|e Beach Golf Links: seventh hole, USAThe Royal Melbourne Golf Club: tenth hole (West), AustraliaPine Valley Golf Club: first hole, USALeven Links: eighteenth hole, ScotlandThe Australian Golf Club: eighteenth hole. AustraliaBanff Springs Golf Club: fourth hole, CanadaOakment Country Club: fourth hole, USARoyal Montreal Golf Club: sixteenth hole CanadaHolyhead Golf Clab: first hole, WalesRoyal Worlington and Newmarket Golf Club: fifth hole, EnglandVictoria Golf Club: fifteenth hole, AustraliaCrystal Downs CountrY Club: sixth hole, USARoyal Aberdeen Golf Club: ninth hole, ScotlandThe Golf Club at Cuscowilla: thirteenth hole, USAThe Roya! Melbourne Golf Club: sixth hole (West), AustraliaAugusta National Golf Club: twelfth hole, USABallybunion Golf Club: eleventh hole (Old), irelandThe Royal Melbourne Golf Club: fourth hole (West), AustraliaHimalayan Golf Club: fourth hole, NepalKingsbarns Golf Links: sixth hole, ScotlandWoodlands Golf Club: fourth hole, AustraliaNew South Wales Golf Club: fourteenth hole, AustraliaSt. George's Golf and Country Club: second hole, CanadaThe Royal Melbourne Go!f Club: third hole (East), AustraliaNational Golf Links of America: third hole, USAPrestwick Golf Club: fifteenth hole, ScotlandMoselem Springs Golf Club: tenth hole, USAPalm Meadows Golf Course: eighteenth hole, AustraliaEssex Golf & Country Club: sixteenth hole, CanadaRoyal Canberra Golf Club: eighteenth hole, AustraliaCypress Point Club: seventeenth hole, USACounty Louth Golf Club: fourteenth hole, IrelandBethpage State Park: fourth hole (Black), USAMudgee Golf Club: seventeenth hole, AustraliaThe Valley Club: fifteenth bole, LiSA (defunct par-3)Royal Dornoch Golf Club: eighth bole, ScotlandMerion Golf Club: sixteenth hole (East), LISARoyal Dornoch Golf Club: fourteenth hole, ScotlandRoyal Trooa Golf Club: eighth hole, ScotlandCoto de Caza Golf & Racquet Club: seventeenth hole, USAFavourite HolesGlossaryPicture Credits and Acknowledgments