
出版时间:1998-12  出版社:DORLING KINDERSLEY  作者:本社 编  页数:61  


Here is a exciting and informative guide to the workings of human and animal skeletons. Superb colour photographs of the bones of the human skeleton offer a unique "eyewitness" view of how our bodies work, and highlight a host of comparisons with the skeletons of birds, reptiles,   amphibians, fish, insects, and mammals.


The human skeletonFrom bone to stoneMammalsBirdsFish, reptiles and amphibiansSkeletons on the outsideMarine exoskeletonsThe human skull and teethHow the skull is builtAnimal skullsAnimal sensesJaws and feedingAnimal teethThe human spineAnimal backbonesThe rib cageHuman hip bonesAnimal hip bonesThe human arm and handArms, wings and flippersAnimal shoulder bladesThe human leg and footAnimal legsThe largest and smallest bonesStructure and repair of bonesGlossary of bone namesIndex



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