出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司 作者:本社 编 页数:125
Soulis, Lord of Liddesdale -the only man ever to strike fear into the heart of King Robert the Bruce. Neither sword, rope nor fire can harm Soulis. But what is the secret of his power? What awesome source, deep in the castle of Hermitage gives Soulis the strength to defy king and people? And can any man stop him stealing the beautiful Marion Elliot from her betrothed? A dark and gripping story, inspired by an ancient legend. The castle of Hermitage still stands, a bleak and eerie ruin at the head of Liddesdale on the Scottish Border.
There will come a time ...It is but child's playI have need of you, little brotherWho sups with the DevilFrost on a summer mormingThe House of SoulisHopes-and fearsThe Devil's bonfireThe coming woold!The casketThe Doon of SoulisAnd here endeth the story