Wee Sing and Move 欧美经典儿歌

出版时间:2009-11  出版社:Penguin  作者:Beall, Pamela Conn; Nipp, Susan Hagen;  


  A new title to get you on your feet and moving!
  This brand-new title from the Wee Sing library guarantees to get
you on your feet and moving along with the songs! From "Ring Around
the Rosy", to "The Hokey Pokey" to "The Animal Parade," adults and
kids alike will love dancing and singing to these special and
classic songs. With a book and CD, this package is a bargain at



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   内容有些难。学起来费劲。不过多听还可以。
  •   买太多了,还行
  •   音乐不错,可以当背景音乐,或挑几首教孩子也可以

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