出版时间:2006-10  出版社:7-09999  作者:White, B. Joseph  页数:200  


  The animal metaphors for business seem to stick--after elephants that can't dance come mammalian and reptilian leaders. White, now president of the University of Illinois (with a nearly $4 billion annual budget), ponders four quadrants of leadership competencies, giving examples from his work life at Cummins Engine and corporate directorships. This is an important topic, considering that 30-50 percent of CEOs are prematurely ousted. He builds a pyramid with to-be-expected qualities--ability, character, integrity, and the like--as the foundation. Reptilian (read critical, detached, analytical) and mammalian (or nurturing, engaged, emotional) traits balance each other, topped by the five secret ingredients--innovation, risk taking, appetite for talent, helicopter view, and sparkle factor. Simplistic almost to a fault, all these characteristics, he claims, are critical to the making of today's and tomorrow's leaders; the author devotes his last chapter to the art of becoming. Yet with many acclaimed U.S. CEOs close to retirement (or already there, e.g., Jack Welch, Lawrence Cassidy), the question then becomes, where have all the leaders gone? Appended: "The Nature of Your Leadership." Barbara JacobsCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved


B.Joseph Wbite iS President of the University of Illinois.He was previously interim president of the University of Michigan and dean of its top.ranked business school for ten years.He has been a business executive and served as director or trustee


Foreword by C.K.Prahalad1  Become a Leader,a Better Leader,a Great Leader2 The Reptiles versus the Mammals3 The Leadership Pyramid4 Reptilian Excellence5  Mammalian Excellence6 The Secret of Becoming a Great Leader7 Challenge Yourself:Become a Great LeaderAppendix:The“Nature of Your Leadership”SurveyNotesIndexAcknowledgments




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