
出版时间:2000-5  出版社:上海财经大学  作者:Enid Nemy  页数:221  


The work of portrait and fashion photographer Scavullo has graced magazine covers and features for 50 years. This retrospective seems to extend the impact and visual power of his photographs by capturing so many familiar stars, models, and actors in a large and beautiful book. This level of artistry is all about imagination. Certainly, the formula of good photography?lens settings, f-stops, exposures, etc.?is ably handled by Scavullo. He also thrives in the darkroom, as shown by the technical quality of his prints. But it is this photographer's mind and intuition that are behind the astonishing portraits of well-known people that seem to capture their very being, energy, and life. Enid Nemy's introduction works very well by restraining its awe and offering the background and life of Scavullo in a few pages. Recommended for popular photography collections, especially in public libraries.?David Bryant, New Canaan P.L., Ct.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


IntroductionWomenMenFashionEntertainmentActingDivine PeopleChronologyList of PlatesAcknowledgments



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