
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Arthur M. Cohen  页数:495  


“The reader may find the title of this excellent volume too modest for the rich presentation of American educational history it offers. Much more than a shaping of that historical record, the educational facts presented gain a special resonance from the richness of the social and economic background against which the history unfolds.”--Change


PrefaceThe AuthorIntroduction:A Framework for Studying theHistory of Higher Education1.Establishing the Collegiate Form inthe Colonies:1636—1789 Societal Context  Institutions  Students   Faculty  Curriculum  Govemance  Finance  Outcomes 2.The Diffusion of Small Colleges in the Emergent Nation:1790—1869 Societal Context  Institutions  Students  Faculty Curriculum  Govemance   Finance  Outcomes  3.University Transformation as the NationIndustrializes:1870—1944 Societal ConteXt Institutions  Students  Faculty  Curriculum Governance  Finance  Outcomes 4.Mass Higher Education in the Era of American Hegemony:1945—l975 Societal Context   Institutions   Students   Faculty  Curriculum Governance Finance  Outcomes 5.Maintaining the Diverse System in the Contemporary Era:1976—1998 Societal Context  Institutions  Students  Faculty  Curriculum Governance   Finance  OutcomesConclusion:Trends and Issues for the Future Societal Context Students and Staff   Curriculum  Institutions,Governance Finance  Outcomes ReferencesIndex



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