学习拉美教师Learning from Latino Teachers

出版时间:2007-10  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Gilda Ochoa  页数:267  


Learning from Latino Teachers offers insightful stories and powerful visions in the movement for equitable schools. This compelling book is based on Gilda Ochoa’s in-depth interviews with Latina/o teachers who have a range of teaching experience, in schools with significant Latina/o immigrant populations. The book offers a unique insider's perspective on the educational challenges facing Latina/os. The teachers’ stories offer valuable insights gained from their experiences coming up through the K-12 system as students, and then becoming part of the same system as teachers.


Gilda Ochoa is associate professor of Sociology and Chicana/o Studies at Pomona College, where she teaches courses on education, Latinas/os in the United States, and the sociology of race/ethnicity, class, and gender.


Preface  Acknowledgments  About the Author  BACKGROUND    1  Listening to Latina/o Teachers    2  Explaining the Achievement Gap    3  Understanding the Experiences of Latinas/os in the United States  FAMILY AND SCHOOL    4  Learning from Latina/o Families    5  What Do We Give Up for an Education?   6  Supporting Latinas/os Throughout the Educational Pipeline  IMPROVING OUTCOMES FOR LATINA/O STUDENTS    7  Detracking Inequality    8  Eliminating High-Stakes Testing    9  Strategies for Effective Teaching    10  Conclusion: Love and Justice in Our Schools  References  Index



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