2006 Pfeiffor手册(全二册)

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Elaine Biech  著  页数:538  


  Shifting work patterns.constant organizational change,and a continually increasing demand for new knowledge.challenges even the most experienced training professional.Under these conditions,proven,ready—to—use resources a re immensely useful.None more SO than The 2006 Pfeiffer Annual:Training.which provides instant access to a wealth of knowledge about training and development,and proven tools that can be put to use witha minimum of preparation.  The book is divided into four sections:Experiential Learning Activities(ElAs);Inventories.Questionnaires.and Surveys;Articles and Discussion Resources;and Editars Choice.AII the material can be freely reproduced for training purposes.  ELAs a re the mainstay of the Annua/and cover a broad range of training topics.The activities a re p resented as complete and ready--to--use training designs;facilitator instructions and all necessary handouts and participant materials a re included.  The instrument section introduces reliable survey and assessment tools for gathering and sharing data on aspects of personal awareness.performance or team development. The articles section presents the best current thinking about training and professional development.Use these for you r own professional development or as lecture resources within you r trainings.  The depth and breadth of available resources-new content is added to the Annual each yea r-ensures a steady stream of contemporary knowledge and tools.Use the Annual to keep on top of developments within the training and HR profession:dip into the content for an activity or instrument that targets a specific performance problem;combine active-ties to instantly create an entire development program:or learn how others in the profess-sionare tackling the eve r—increasing challenges of building and developing a capable and productive workforce.    作者简介:    Elaine Biech is the author of more than a dozen articles and books, including The Business of Consulting, Marketing and Selling Your Consulting Services, and The Consultant's Quick Start Guide, all published by Pfeiffer. Her most recent book is Training 'or Dummies. She is president and managing principal of ebb associates inc and has consults to a diverse range of industries including health care institutions, insurance, banking, sipbuilding, manufacturing, government, and nonprofit organizations.


2006 PFEIFFER ANNUAL:上册 Preface  The Difference Between Training and Consulting: Which Annual to Use?  Introduction to The 2006 Pfeiffer Annual: Training Experiential kearnin9 Activities  Introduction to the Experiential Learning Activities Section  Experiential Learning Activities Categories  Do Differences Divide Us? Learning About Diversity  M.K. Key  Opposite Chair: Learning to Ask Questions  Chai M. Voris  Pygmalion: Using the Power of Expectations for  Developing Subordinates  Parth Sarathi  Self-Powered Vehicles: Learning to Work as a Group  Pat Murphy  Soda Can Carry: Building a Team  Kristin ]. Arnold  Picture This: Introducing Participants  Carrie Reilly and Math Rose  Word Cards: Reinforcing Learning  Steve Sphar  Lyrical Look: Finding Insight in Songs  Lenn Millbower  Critical Reflection Relay: Reviewing What Was Learned  Bonnie lameson  Rolling for Review: Reviewing Key Learning Points  Gail Hahn  Keynote Closer: Polishing the Gems  Franh A. Prince  What Is Moral Character? Defining Character  Homer H. Johnson  How Do I Acknowledge Thee? Giving Praise When Due  Teri-E Bell and M. Sheila Collins  Board Meeting Simulation: Establishing Leadership Perspective  W. Norman Gustafson Editor's Choice  Introduction to the Editor's Choice Section  El Quixote and the Quest for Management Skills  Teresa Tortes-Coronas  Why Sales People Fail  Jeffrey P. Bosworth  How to Protect and Profit from Your Training Assets  Diane M. Gayeshi Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys  Introduction to the Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys Section  Assessing One's Own Facilitation Skills  Lois B. Hart  Measuring Employee Resilience  leffrey Russell and Linda Russell  Articles and Discussion Resources2006 PFEIFFER ANNUAL:下册



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