
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Friedman, Debbie  页数:319  


  Demystifying Outsourcing emphasizes the importance of building partnerships with consultants and vendors to achieve results. Training managers who utilize this resource will build their confidence and strengthen their outsourcing capabilities as they navigate complex outsourced projects.   As a comprehensive toolkit, the book takes the reader step by step through an outsourced initiative. Numerous stories bring the challenges of outsourcing to light. Practical tips and tools, and worksheets on the accompanying CD can be tailored easily to any project. Topics include:   Current trends and guiding principles in outsourcing   A strategic sourcing decision model to help managers make wise choices about what to outsource and what to retain   Identifying and selecting outsourcing partners   The RFP process and contract negotiations   Positioning consultants and vendors in the organization   Design, delivery and program evaluation of outsourced initiatives   Special situations such as dealing with conflict, inheriting a consultant and working with multiple consultants and vendors   Debbie Friedman is Operating Vice President at Federated Department Stores, where she heads up the Federated Leadership Institute, a training function whose mission is to strengthen the leadership capabilities of the top 1,800 executives.


List of Exhibits, Figures, and Tables. Contents of the CD-ROM. Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. Part 1 Building a Strategic Foundation.  Chapter 1: Introduction.   The Growth of Outsourcing.   Why Outsourcing Is Increasing.   Benefits Outweigh the Risks.   Purpose of This Book.   An Overview of This Book.   How You Can Use This Book.   A Few Definitions.   What the Book Is Not.  Chapter 2: Guiding Principles.   Strategic Sourcing.   Transforming Partnerships.   Expanding Capability.   Your Learning Journal.   ASTD Competency Model.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 3: Sourcing: A Strategic Decision.   Strategic vs. Tactical Outsourcing.   Strategic Sourcing Decision Model.   Your Learning Journal.   Key Ideas. Part 2 Identifying and Selecting Your Partners.  Chapter 4: Identifying Potential Consultants.   Establish Partnerships Before You Need Them.   Where to Look.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 5: The Request for Proposal.   The Purpose.   A Word of Caution.   Elements of the RFP.   The Reverse Auction.   Establishing the Partnership in the RFP Process.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 6: Selecting Consultants.   Establishing Selection Criteria.   Rehiring Consultants.   Meeting with Potential Consultants.   Auditioning Trainers or Speakers.   Checking References.   The Final Selection.   Avoiding Selection Pitfalls.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 7: The Contract.   Why Contract with Consultants?   Contract Provisions.   Letters of Agreement.   Your Learning Journal.   Key Ideas. Part 3 Navigating Projects While Strengthening Partnerships.  Chapter 8: Positioning Consultants in Your Organization.   Consultants Seen as Threats.   Who to Involve.   How to Explain the Project to Employees.   How to Introduce Consultants.   Helping Consultants Connect with Senior Leaders.   Helping Consultants Connect with Administrative Support Staff.   Solicit Feedback.   Positioning Yourself.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 9: Launching the Project.   The Kick-Off Meeting.   Planning the Kick-Off Meeting.   Conducting the Kick-Off Meeting.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 10: Project Management.   Importance of Project Management.   Role of the Project Manager.   Managing Scope.   Managing Risk.   Managing Resources.   Managing Communications.   Project Management on Small Projects.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 11: Assessment of Need.   Should You Outsource Needs Assessment?   Assessment Issues.   If You Do Not Involve the Consultant.   Partnership Update.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 12: Design and Development.   Benefits of Outsourcing Design and Development.   Outputs of the Design and Development Phases.   How to Involve Consultants During Design and Development.   How to Maintain Partnerships with Consultants During Design and  Development.   Pitfalls.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 13: Implementation.   Preparation for Implementation.   The Implementation.   Post-Implementation Activities.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 14: Evaluation.   Importance of Evaluation.   Evaluation Models.   Planning Evaluations.   Roles and Responsibilities in Evaluation.   Partnership Update.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 15: Project Wrap-Up.   Learning Is the Goal.   The Partnership Update.   Expanding Personal Capability.   Celebration.   Your Learning Journal.   Key Ideas. Part 4 Addressing the Challenges of Partnerships.  Chapter 16: Managing Conflict.   Value of Conflict.   Causes of Conflict.   Ways to Minimize Conflict in Your Partnerships.   Address Conflict That Arises.   When to Dissolve a Partnership.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 17: Inheriting a Consultant.   Evaluating Existing Projects.   Getting to Know the Consultants.   Providing Feedback to the Consultants.   Working with Consultants When There Is No Chemistry.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 18: Working with Multiple Consultants.   Why Hire Multiple Consultants.   Selection Considerations When There Are Multiple Consultants.   Setting Expectations Regarding Collaboration.   Managing Projects with Multiple Consultants.   Partnership Updates with Multiple Consultants.   Key Ideas.  Chapter 19: Additional Work for Your Consultants.   Importance of Setting Expectations Regarding Additional Work.   Your Role When There Is Additional Work.   Your Learning Journal.   Key Ideas. Part 5 Expanding Your Personal Capability.  Chapter 20: A Development Plan.   Step I: Review Your Learning Journal.   Step II: Identify Strengths and Areas for Improvement.   Step III: Identify Ways to Leverage Strengths.   Step IV: Identify Ways to Improve Performance.   Step V: Measure Your Progress.   Some Final Words on Your Development. References. About the Author. Index.



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