
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Ingrid Bens  页数:248  


From Ingrid Bens, the author of the best-selling book Facilitating with Ease!, comes the next-step resource for project leaders, managers, community leaders, teachers, and other facilitators who want to hone their skills in order to deal with complex situations. Advanced Facilitation Strategies is a field guide that offers practical strategies and techniques for working with challenging everyday situations. These proven strategies and techniques are based on experience gleaned from hundreds of facilitated activities in organizations of all sizes and in all sectors.     Both novice and seasoned facilitators who have had firsthand experience designing and leading meetings will benefit from this reality-based playbook. Advanced Facilitation Strategies is filled with the information facilitators need to  Become better at diagnosing facilitation assignments and creating effective process designs roaden their repertoire of tools to make impromptu design changes whenever they are needed Learn to be more resilient and confident when dealing with dysfunctional situations and difficult people.


Ingrid Bens is a consultant, speaker, and trainer who specializes in facilitation skills, team building, conflict management, employee participation, and organizational change. She is a partner in the consulting firm Participative Dynamics.


Introduction 1 Advanced Strategies Overview   Your Personal Philosophy of Facilitation   The Three Levels of Competence   Where Are You Now?—Self-Assessment   The Power of Your Presence   Personal Projection Assessment   What is OD?   Working as a Consultant   Two Forms of Consulting   Expanding Your Power Base   Gaining the Authority to Facilitate   Losing the Facilitator Role   Maintaining and Regaining the Role   The Two Types of Interventions   Deepening Your Process Responses   Managing the Role of Leaders   When the Boss is in the Room   Enhancing Your Questioning Skills   Asking Complex, High Quality Questions   Advanced Facilitation in Action   Advanced Skills Observation Sheet   Debriefing Your Experience   The Five Rules of Facilitation 2 The Complexities of Decision Making   Shifting Group Focus from “What” to “How”   Decision Dilemma #1 – Lack of Clarity About Whether the Group Is Making Decisions   Decision Dilemma #2 – Lack of Clarity About Empowerment   Decision Dilemma #3 – Confusion About Which Decision-Making Method to Use   Decision Dilemma #4 – Use of Positional Processes   Decision Dilemma #5 – The Presence of Group Think   Decision Dilemma #6 – Lack of Techniques to Overcome Blocks to Agreement   Decision Dilemmas Summary Chart   More on Decision-Making Options   More on Compromise   Overcoming Problems with Compromise   More on Majority Voting   Overcoming Problems with Majority Voting   More on Multivoting   Overcoming Problems with Multivoting   More on Consensus Building   Comparing Consensus and Consensus Building   Overview of the Consensus-Building Process   Overcoming Problems with Consensus Building   Tools Overview   The Decision-Making Roadmap   Decision-Making Checklist   Decision Effectiveness Exit Survey Elements   Decision Effectiveness Survey 3 Conflict Management Strategies   Operating Under Mistaken Assumptions     The Importance of Making Interventions   Knowing When to Intervene   Nine Ways to Intervene   The Art of Positive Confrontation   Monitor Your Self-Talk   When Nothing Works!   Conflict Senerios:   1 Role Confusion – What’s a facilitator?   2 The Personal Attack – Who are you anyway?   3 Lack of Authority – You can’t facilitate me!   4 Unclear Meeting Goal – What’s this about?   5 Agenda Overload – We’re going to discuss all that!?!   6 Mistaken Assumptions – Who told you that?   7 Hidden Agendas – Wish we were talking about the real issues   8 Resistance and Lack of Buy-in – What’s in it for me?   9 Resistance to Process – Don’t fence us in!   10 Lack of Norms – We don’t need rules!   11 Ignoring Group Norms – Oh those rules!   12 The Over-Participant – And furthermore      13 The Under-Participant – I have nothing to add!   14 The Positional Debate – I’m right; you’re wrong!   15 The Joker – Aren’t I Funny!   16 Side-Chatters – Psst, Psst, Psst      17 Side-Trackers – On another note      18 Blocking – I simply won’t support this decision   19 Unresolved Conflicts – This goes way back!   20 Cynicism – Why bother!   21 Sarcasm – This is typical of you!   22 Stuck – Are we still talking about that?   23 Conflict Erupts – Let me tell you how I really feel!   24 A Member Storms Out – I’m not listening to this!   25 Unwilling to Take Responsibility – I’m not doing it!   26 Losing Authority – Have I lost you?   27 Blocked Consensus – Why can’t we agree?   28 Lack of Closure – Let’s finish this later   29 Lack of Feedback – Let’s talk later!   30 Lack of Follow-Through – Nothing ever happens! 4 Consulting Strategies for Facilitators 5 Essential Processes for Facilitators



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