
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Barbazette, Jean  页数:310  


The Trainer’s Journey to Competence draws on Jean Barbazette’s thirty-five years of experience in training trainers. The book serves as both a useful source of career advice for those in the training field, and as a starting point for creating a role-specific professional development plan. Professional trainers can use this resource to assess their knowledge, skills, and attitudes and use this information to create an individual development plan. The book can be equally helpful when creating internal training certification programs for organizations. 作者简介:    Jean Barbazette is the president of The Training Clinic, a training consulting firm, and author of Instant Case Studies and Successful New Employee Orientation, Second Edition, from Pfeiffer, and The Trainer's Support Handbook.


Contents of the CD-ROM Acknowledgments Introduction Chapter 1: What Is a Training Function?   The Purpose of a Training Function   Centralized and Decentralized Training Functions Chapter 2: What Is a Competency?   Competency Defined   How Competencies Are Built from Knowledge and Skill   How Competencies Are Measured   Suggested Uses for Competency Checklists   Steps to Set Up a Competency Measurement Process Chapter 3: Trainer or Instructor Competencies   Competencies Required of Trainers or Instructors   Competency Checklists for the Trainer or Instructor   How to Use the Competency Checklists   Trainer or Instructor Development Plan Chapter 4: Facilitator or Coach Competencies   Competencies Required of Facilitators or Coaches   Competency Checklists for the Facilitator or Coach   How to Use the Competency Checklists   Facilitator or Coach Development Plan Chapter 5: Course Designer Competencies   Competencies Required of a Course Designer   Competency Checklists for Course Designers   How to Use the Competency Checklists   Course Designer Development Plan Chapter 6: Training Manager Competencies   Competencies Required of a Training Manager   Competency Checklists for the Training Manager   How to Use the Competency Checklists   Training Manager Development Plan Chapter 7: Training Coordinator Competencies   Competencies Required of a Training Coordinator   Competency Checklists for Training Coordinators   How to Use the Competency Checklists   Training Coordinator Development Plan Chapter 8: Being a Department of One   Sorting Priorities   Competency Checklist for a Department of One   Making a Training Plan   Presenting a Training Plan Chapter 9: How to Develop Internal Certification Programs   Developing a Certification Program in Your Organization   Choosing Between Internal or External Certifying Authority   Defining Certificates and Certification   Using Developed Competencies to Plan a Certificate or Certification Program   Demonstrating Competence and Understanding Versus Performing   Introducing Training Competencies in the Organization   Measuring Competencies: Self, Peer, and Supervisory Assessments   Setting Up Feedback and Development Processes   Gaining Agreement on a Certification Program   Using Certification Programs: Cautions Resources   Sample Competency Checklists and Development Plans   Glossary   Bibliography   Index About the Author How to Use the CD-ROM Pfeiffer Publications Guide



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