Angry Young Men愤恨的青年人

出版时间:2002-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Kipnis Ph.D., Aaron  页数:277  


Writing from personal and professional experience, Aaron Kipnis shares both the riveting story of his own troubled youth-and how he turned himself around-and the successful approaches he has used to help "bad boys" become good men. Angry Young Men offers specific, practical advice for parents, teachers, counselors, community leaders, and justice professionals-- everyone who wants to help at-risk boys become strong, productive, caring, and compassionate men.  "Angry Young Men is an extremely important book that is especially timely now during our current epidemic of violence by and against boys and young men . . . Aaron Kipnis has seen deeply, not only into the souls of troubled boys and adolescents, but also into those aspects of the spirit of our culture and our epoch that have turned an unprecedentedly large portion of our boys and young men into the perpetrators and victims of violence."--From the Foreword by James Gilligan, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School


ForewordPreface1. Bad Boys2. Living in a House on Fire3. Slipping Through the Cracks at School4. Mean Streets5. Juvenile Injustice6. Drugs and Criminalization7. Youth Corrections and Gangs8. The American Gulag9. From Bad Boys to Good Men10. Honoring the Spirit of Young MenNotesElectronic ResourcesAbout the AuthorIndex



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