出版时间:1998年04月 出版社:Hyperion Books (1998年4月1日) 作者:Ronna Lichtenberg
Ronna Lichtenberg saw the way office politics worked while she was a senior vice president at Prudential Securities. Now a marketing and strategy consultant, she's written Work Would Be Great if It Weren't for the People, a clever and unambiguous guide to successfully negotiating what she calls "the human element of the workplace." In a case-by-case narrative that's supplemented with wry commentary from her "evil twin"--which consists of brutally honest observations that allow her to play devil's advocate--Lichtenberg unveils a series of suggestions for dealing with common corporate situations that can regularly boost or torpedo a career. She addresses scenarios such as managing a change in jobs or responsibilities, handling unjust demands for commitment or allegiance, and working effectively with friends, enemies, and even lovers. As all of the most salient points are boldfaced for emphasis, this already fast read can be absorbed even more quickly. --Howard Rothman